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October 07, 2011

Jeff Koons. "Sacred Heart (Red/Gold)"

One of my favorite sculptors is American Pop artist sculptor Jeff Koons who had this sculpture featured as part of the exhibition Jeff Koons on the Roof. The exhibition was held on the roof of the Metropolitan Museum of Art in the Cantor Roof Garden and was part of their annual "ont the Roof" set of exhibitions. Jeff Koons exhibited three of his sculptures in this exhibition that lasted from April 22 until October 26, 2008 and was made possible thanks to Bloomberg. 


Kevin said... Best Blogger Tips

I wonder what's inside of the wrapper?

Gino & Leslie said... Best Blogger Tips

Chocolate no doubt. That's why Leslie was so happy.

sundersartwork said... Best Blogger Tips

Koonz started making these brightly wrapped sweets and gifts as a coping mechanism when he lost custody of his son. Supposedly

Gino & Leslie said... Best Blogger Tips

That's so sad to hear. :(
I remember when he married that Italian porn star.

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