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October 21, 2011

Alison Saar. "Winter"

American artist Alison Saar created this sculpture which is part of the Feallan and Fallow sculpture exhibition which represents the seasons. This sculpture represents Winter. The exhibition is currently on view from September 22 until December 31, 2011 at Madison Square Park. The exhibition is made possible thanks to Delta Airlines, NYC Department of Parks & Recreation, the Madison Square Park Conservancy, and several other organizations. 


Kevin said... Best Blogger Tips

Gino Sanchez say what!? The second picture i thought was a gorilla sleeping in the fetal position. I'm so very confused by this one If I were passing by I would think it was like a tree trunk or rock that got mossy or something.

Gino & Leslie said... Best Blogger Tips

I know. This sculpture gets no love. :(

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