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August 06, 2011

John Ahearn. "Bronx Residents" 2 of 3

Today, we continue the three-part series of the controversial South Bronx sculptures. It seems pretty absurd that community leaders got up in arms over these sculptures giving a negative image of South Bronx when Ahearn actually made casts of people who lived in this same area. Ahearn was a resident of the South Bronx and had dedicated himself to making life castings of the people who lived around him. The negative support he received from community leaders over his sculptures showed that possibly the leaders themselves were the ones embarrassed by the people who they represented. The last part will be published on Monday.


Sam. said... Best Blogger Tips

"The negative support he received from community leaders over his sculptures showed that possibly the leaders themselves were the ones embarrassed by the people who they represented."

Very interesting.

Gino & Leslie said... Best Blogger Tips


Indeed! Thanks Sam! I just got your postcard. Check your facebook wall and messages. :D

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