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August 20, 2011

Isabelle Garbani. "Knit For Trees"

Figment 2011 Sculpture Garden at Governors Island made possible by Figment NYC is currently  exhibiting some very peculiar sculptures made from recyclable material. One of these sculptures is Knit For Trees from Brooklyn artist Isabelle Garbani. The Figment 2011 Sculpture gardens runs until Sept. 25, 2011. There's more information on the Figment Sculpture Garden 2011 or Isabelle Garbani on each link. 


Sam. said... Best Blogger Tips

Oh, this is so cool! Love it.

Gino & Leslie said... Best Blogger Tips

And it is all made out of knitting plastic bags. I have another sculpture entry of a net that is made out of crocheting plastic bags. lol

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