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August 22, 2011

Elizabeth Allison. "River Gazers"

American sculptor Elizabeth Allison created this sculpture that is currently installed in Riverside Park South. The sculpture is part of the exhibit Model to Monument (M2M), Creating Public Art for Public Spaces. The sculptor is a member of the Art Students League and is well known for making sculptures out of metal and for her unusual head sculptures. The exhibition is made possible thanks to the NYC Department of Parks & Recreation and the Art Students League. More info: Elizabeth Allison's website


Elizabeth Allison said... Best Blogger Tips

Thank you for putting "River Gazers" on your blog- I am honored! It's fascinating to look through your sculpture relayed adventures- please keep them coming.

Gino & Leslie said... Best Blogger Tips

@Elizabeth Allison

Thank you so much! It's an honor for me to have the sculptor who created such a great piece of art visit my blog. Thanks once again!

Deborah Held said... Best Blogger Tips

Your work is wonderfully expressive!

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