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January 21, 2012

Lordy Rodriguez. "Water Movements"

Philippine contemporary artist Lordy Rodriguez who creates artworks using cartography and maps created this piece as part of the Downtown Alliance's Re:Construction art project in which they are beautifying construction and public areas. Basically certain areas in Downtown Manhattan are going through construction or are abandoned and instead of seeing wooden panels with Do Not Post Signs Here written on them, several artists have created these plastic art works that will cover these construction projects while providing a better look to the city. 


Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips

I thought you were in Venezuela. You sure move around a lot. I think I've seen you in a dozen or score or more countries-- and your little sister, Leslie, of course =)/ she seems very patient with you. She's going to grow up to be extremely well-educated young lady.
I like this fence wrapping, by New York's artists. I always identify with work I like, and thought these were clogged blood vessels! =) As a map or work of art, these are really pretty, too.

Gino & Leslie said... Best Blogger Tips

Hi Kathe O.
I've never been to Venezuela before. I'm glad you liked! :D

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