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January 31, 2012

Adolph Alexander Weinman. "William Jay Gaynor Monument"

German-born sculptor Adolph Alexander Weinman was commissioned by the Gaynor Memorial Committee to create this sculpture and bust of Mayor of NYC William Gaynor that was dedicated in 1926. The relief behind the bust displays law and strength on one side and knowledge and ease on the other. The back displays biographical information of Gaynor as well as a quote representing his pro-reform style. The sculptor Weinman is well known for his ornamentation of the Prisoners Martyrs Monument and other historical sculptures in Brooklyn and Manhattan.


Marie said... Best Blogger Tips

You just made some great pics of a great sculpture made by the awesome artist Weinman. really like it! :)

Gino & Leslie said... Best Blogger Tips

I'm glad you like it. :)

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