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September 09, 2011

Fritz Koenig. "The Sphere"

Today we continue the second day of remembering the tragedy of 9/11 in its tenth anniversary. We present a before and after of the famous sculpture titled The Sphere by German sculptor Fritz Koenig. As many of you know, the sculpture was at Austin J. Tobin Plaza in World Trade Center as seen in the first photograph. That is a younger me by the way. After 9/11 the sculpture was found badly damage but still intact. A documentary was made of the sculpture and it is currently at Battery Park with an eternal flame along side it. A petition was made by 9/11 victims and family members for it to be placed back in the soon to open 9/11 Memorial but it has so far been refused.


Sam. said... Best Blogger Tips

The fact that a sculpture representing world peace survived this tragedy is pretty symbolic. It's a bit of hope in the midst of darkness, isn't it?

Gino & Leslie said... Best Blogger Tips

I think it is. :)

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